Friday, February 12, 2010

Hey Fit Friends,

Well, I'm excited. I am finally back to my pre-holiday weight. I'm back to the weight I was before my birthday, my husband's birthday, Halloween (my mother's birthday), Thanksgiving, and Christmas. There was a lot of celebrating and a lot of eating going on!

I can tell you it was easier and a lot more fun putting the holiday weight on than taking it off. It made me start thinking about how we always want something quick. We want it NOW! It took me weeks to put on 6 lbs and it took me weeks to take it off. Why would I ever think that I could take it off any quicker than I put it on? I'm a weight loss professional and I still battle with wanting it off quickly.

We have to get rid of our "drive thru" mentality. We have to realize it's about the long haul. 1 lb = 3,500 calories and The Worst Food in America: Baskin Robbins Large Chocolate Oreo Shake has 2,600 calories, 135 g fat (59 g saturated fat, 2.5 g trans fats), 263 g sugars, and 1,700 mg sodium. So when you think about it, we have to walk for 45 miles to burn 1 lb. However, we could have a Big Mac, medium fries, and a BR chocolate oreo shake and take in l lb. How easy is it to eat that kind of a meal - pretty darn ez! How easy is it to walk 45 miles - NOT VERY!

It's about making wise choices more often than not. It's about moving our bodies more often than not. It's about health, not quick weight loss and what the scale says. How many of you suffer from the same mentality that I battle with? I want what I want, when I want it. Let's let go of that mentality. Remember, the tortoise always wins.

Eat Intentionally,


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