Friday, February 4, 2011

A Balancing Act

Hi Fit Friends,

Well, we had a big snow this week! But, before we got the snow, we got ice. I watched, helplessly as one of my participants fell while walking to her car after class. She's fine, but it is a good reminder to all of us that we need to practice our balancing skills.

Did you know that falling is one of the leading causes of hospitalization and death for older adults? Often as we age, our balance skills deteriorate. It is important to do exercises to improve and maintain balance throughout our lives. Balance exercises can be performed daily and in our own homes. We can start out with simple balance activities and increase the difficulty as we improve. Improving takes practice. Check out the following exercises:

Stand up straight behind a tall chair or at a counter top.
Lightly grasp the chair or counter top with your finger tips.
Raise one leg a foot off the ground.
Maintain your balance while standing on one leg.
Hold for a count of ten seconds.
Repeat with other leg.
Perform five on each leg.

Stand up straight behind a tall chair or at a counter top for safety only.
Without holding on to the chair or counter top raise one leg a foot off the ground.
Maintain your balance while standing on one leg.
Hold for a count of ten seconds.
Repeat with other leg.
Perform five on each leg.

Perform the same exercise, but close both eyes.

Tree Pose

Bring the sole of your left foot to your inner-right thigh. (Try to do this without using your hands.) Bring your hands into prayer. Hold here up to five breaths. Repeat with the other leg.

Modification: Leave your toes on the floor or place your foot on your calf.

Bird Dog Balance

Bring the right leg and left arm up until they are parallel to the floor, coming into Bird Dog Balance.

Hold five breaths and then come down.

Repeat on the other side.

More challenge: close your eyes. Less challenge: Leave your toes touching the floor.

Practice any and all of these exercises and be more balanced during the next ice storm.

Eat Intentionally and Balance,


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