Friday, November 27, 2009

Winterizing Your Skin

Let's start with a quote from the LA Times:

"Even if you overeat at Thanksgiving, what you do on that one day will not determine your weight a year from now. It is what you do on average, over time, that determines what you weigh."

So, cut yourself some slack for yesterday and move on!

Let's discuss winterizing our skin. Here are a few steps we can take to have healthy skin even in the winter. After all, it is our biggest organ.

1. Take colder showers and/or baths. Hot water temperatures strip our skin of natural oils causing us to itch. Try lukewarm and your skin will feel better.

2. Exfoliate to remove dry and flaking skin. Remember, don't scrub too hard.

3. Moisturize daily. If you have sensitive skin stay away from moisturizers with perfume. Apply the moisturizer immediately after bathing to stop skin from drying and cracking.

4. Drink water! Hydrate yourself from the inside out. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in fluid ounces.

5. Turn the heat down. You'll save on your energy bill and save your skin. Keep the room temperature moderate and use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Finally, if you have chapped lips try brushing them in a circular motion with a dry toothbrush and then apply lip balm.

Enjoy some healthy, glowing skin and EAT INTENTIONALLY!

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