Friday, January 8, 2010

Cabin Fever

I know this is just the beginning of winter, but I'm needing a break! Are you feeling couped up in the house? Are you all bundled up in layered clothing? Struggling through cabin fever can be difficult for those of us that crave the sun and aren't seeing enough of it during the winter months.

We can beat cabin fever without having to go on an expensive vacation or start a project we're really not interested in, just because we are bored, i.e.: cleaning out the basement or the closets. (If you still want to do those projects, feel free to call me:)

Here are some great ideas to stave off the winter blues and feel more energetic!

It's a good idea to open the blinds and curtains during the daylight hours to allow the sun to warm the house naturally. This extra sunshine can help us feel a little brighter as well. At dusk, make sure to close the curtains and shades to keep out the cold, night air.

2. Get Walking
Walking is one of the best forms of daily exercise we can get. It gets our hearts pumping and keeps our minds clear. Taking a small walk in the morning for 15-30 minutes can help give us a boost, give us more energy, and get us in better shape. If we've been staring at four walls for too long, try walking in different areas. Walking is great exercise, especially during winter, just remember to BUNDLE UP in these frigid temps.

3. Eat Better
Our diet plays a large part in our emotional well-being. We tend to lack D vitamins during the winter months when we receive less sunlight. These vitamins are essential to our body's ability to produce serotonin, which is our body's natural defense against depression. Eating green vegetables and an overall healthy diet can help boost our energy levels and feelings of well-being.

4. Help Others
During the winter, some people experience depression. If we are struggling with cabin fever and boredom, we can take some of our time and volunteer to help others. There are many opportunities where we could lend a hand. Contact to find opportunities.

5. Plan Forward
If you are anticipating the warmer weather, start planning now for the different ways you can take advantage of it. If you are an outdoorsy person, plan different activities or hikes you might want to do. Research what kind of flowers you are going to plant in the garden this year. Even better, start your plants indoors so they will be ready for Spring. You can do what I'm doing, planning my 1/2 marathons for the year.

6. Be Grateful
When all else fails, let's slow down and think about all the wonderful things we have in our lives. (I'm grateful for my furnace!) Chances are good it will bring a smile to our face and make us feel better. It might not fight off cabin fever totally, but it will certainly help us stay grounded.

Eat Intentionally and Stay Warm,


1 comment:

Gwen said...

Perfect timing for this blog, Cindy. We do need to keep getting our D vitamin when we do not get outside as much for all the reasons you stated. Today I learned one more reason. Dr. Oz emphasized that 20 minutes minimum, outside each day will help me sleep better at night.