Friday, January 14, 2011

Set A Goal

This week I am challenging you to set a goal.

I have a client that I met with today (hi Bob) and it was like working with a different person. Why? Because he has a goal. He is going to climb Kilimanjaro in June. He is ready to get serious about his workout and get fit for his climb. He has an excitement about him and enthusiasm for his workout.

When was the last time you were enthused about exercise? I am encouraging you to find something to get excited about. Maybe you have always thought about walking/running a marathon or a half marathon. Perhaps you've always wanted to sky dive, white water rafting, or skiing. Maybe you want to try something a little tamer, like a 5k (you can join me at the Drumm Run)or biking on the Katy trail. Whatever it is that gets you going, do it. Set a date, pick an event, and train for it.

Here's a great way to set your goal - SMART

Specific - What do I want to accomplish, where am I going to do it, when will I do it?

Measurable How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?

Attainable When you find a goal or something you want to do, you will begin to find ways to make it happen. When you get serious about losing weight, you find the time to exercise. When you decide to get out of debt, you find ways to save money. It's amazing when we start believing, how we start achieving!

Realistic A goal must be something we are able to and willing to work towards. Do you really want to get up at 5 a.m., five days a week and run for 10 miles? If not, don't set that as a goal; find something you are willing to do.

Time Have a timeframe. If you want to complete a marathon someday, someday will never come. If you want to finish a marathon in June, 2011, that creates a timeframe.

So, get SMART and set a goal!

Eat Intentionally,


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