Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Letting Go

Hi Fit Friends,

Have you ever eaten an entire sleeve of Oreos? Have you ever stuck your hand into an empty bag of chips only to realize that you just ate the entire thing!?! What's your poison? Candy, cookies, chips, nuts? It doesn't matter, we all have something that calls to us.

Let's talk this week about letting go of guilt and condemnation. When we eat the whole bag of whatever, how many hours, days, weeks, do we beat ourselves up? What do we say to ourselves? I'm so fat. I'm such a pig. I'm such a glutton. What do you tell yourself?

Let's change our words. Let's acknowledge that we ate it and move on. Realize why we ate it - boredom? Stress? Hunger? Recognize it and find another outlet for those feelings. There is no reason to dwell on it, it's not going to change the fact that we overate. So, let's let go. Cut yourself some slack and get back on the health wagon!

Eat Intentionally and Let Go of Guilt,


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