Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update of a Healthy Habit

Well, August is over and I completed my month of veganism. I'm cheese free and loving it! The first week was HARD! I was used to eating egg whites and Laughing Cow cheese every morning, so the a.m. was a little odd for awhile. I tried a few different things before I found a vegan protein shake and 1/2 of an Ezekiel muffin satisfied me.

Once I got over that, I wanted baked goods; cake, cookies, doughnuts, anything sweet. I don't know where that craving came from but, ugh, it was a tough one to fight. However, I found Amy's Chocolate Cake and Orange Cake in the Health food freezer section at Hy Vee. They are both vegan and delicious! It totally satisfied my lust for sweets.

So what did I gain from forsaking cheese and eggs? Well, I lost 6 pounds and 1% of body fat! That's a lot for me since I am nearing my goal weight. I also lost phlegm and sinus issues. Did you know 75% of people have some type of sensitivity to dairy? It might manifest as a sinus issue, migraine, or phlegm. If you experience any of these check out this website. Another bonus - I didn't harm any animals.

I celebrated the end of my trial by having a doughnut and it set like a rock. It was awful and definitely not worth it. So, I'm back to veganism. Sure I have to plan ahead, especially if I'm eating out, but the benefits are worth it. I feel great!

How did you do with creating your new healthy habit? Did you accomplish it? Are you going to stick with it? Or was it not what you expected? I ran across this quote and thought it appropriate:

Don't just pursue your goal…inhabit it. Wear it, act it, live it, taste it! Get committed—take action!" ~Gary Ryan Blair

Have a great Labor Day and Eat Intentionally,


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