Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Hello Fit Friends!

I know it has been a few months since I have blogged. Sorry for the time away, but as some of you know, my mother passed away at the end of September. She lost her battle with colon cancer. I appreciate all of the prayers, thoughts, kind words, cards, and love that I received over the past months.

I am looking forward to 2011 and I hope you are, too. I have made a resolution to manage my time better (losing someone helps put time into perspective)and I wonder if you have made a resolution? I hope it's not to "diet" but rather to "eat healthier". If it's to "exercise" how about "moving more"? Sometimes the words "diet and exercise" conjure up thoughts of torture or pain, but "eating healthy and moving more" make us think of vibrant living. Whatever your resolution or non-resolution, I hope you have the healthiest and happiest New Year ever!

Eat Intentionally,


P.S. Check out my new schedule! I am excited to announce 2 new classes at the Sermon Center! As my business has become more private and corporate, it's nice to be able to offer some classes open to the public. Hope to see you there!


edj3 said...

I am so sorry to hear about your mother--just last week I realized I hadn't seen your blog emails in a while and didn't know why.

Much love to you my friend,


S said...

Happy New Year!!!! I have missed your kind advice and information! Peace and comfort to you in the New Year!