Friday, February 18, 2011


Hi Fit Friends,

As some of you may know, I am currently in the midst of taking a business class. It is really helping me focus on what I want to achieve with Functional Fitness. My hope is to help as many people as possible become as healthy as possible. I am asking that you help me achieve my goal by taking the following survey:

1. Have you ever tried to lose weight? If yes, how many lbs did you try to lose?

2. Were you successful? If yes, what do you think helped you succeed? If yes, did you keep it off? If yes, for how long?

3. If you weren't successful, why? What would have helped you succeed?

4. What do you look for in a weight loss plan?

5. Did you exercise in addition to dieting? If yes, what type of exercise?

6. Did you enjoy exercising?

7. If you aren't at a healthy weight, what is your greatest obstacle in achieving a healthy weight?

8. How much would you spend in order to achieve a healthy weight?

9. How much time would you devote to achieving a healthy weight?

10. How important is your weight?

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my survey. You can either post it here on the blog or you can email me at

Thanks again for your help and eat intentionally,



S said...

OK I will do it! But I cant right now. If you do not hear from me by Sunday night email me:) It wont be pretty:)

edj3 said...

1. Have you ever tried to lose weight? If yes, how many lbs did you try to lose? Yes, although I didn’t try w/ a set amount of weight to lose as my goal.

2. Were you successful? If yes, what do you think helped you succeed? If yes, did you keep it off? If yes, for how long? Yes, I counted calories. I’ve mostly kept it off although I think maybe menopause is tip-toeing in because it’s a little harder to keep the weight off. Oh well, I am 51 now.

3. If you weren't successful, why? What would have helped you succeed? N/A

4. What do you look for in a weight loss plan? I used Calorie Count (web site) to track my calories and figure the calories of the recipes I use.

5. Did you exercise in addition to dieting? If yes, what type of exercise? Oh yes, as you well know. I worked out 6 days a week, alternating strength and cardio; I used yoga, Pilates and hand weights for the strength and running (not in the winter) and aerobics (winter time) for cardio.

6. Did you enjoy exercising? Yes and I miss your classes horribly.

7. If you aren't at a healthy weight, what is your greatest obstacle in achieving a healthy weight?

8. How much would you spend in order to achieve a healthy weight? I’m cheap, if I could find a class like yours here I would spend that money but otherwise I have the discipline to work out at home.

9. How much time would you devote to achieving a healthy weight? An hour a day is my max for workouts.

10. How important is your weight? I’m more interested in overall health rather than a number on a scale.

MollysMom said...

1. Yes, I am trying to lose 10 lbs now.

2. Not yet; I can't seem to get it to come off; I am trying to watch my calories-I need to start tracking and keep it up.

3. I don't know why unless I am just not able to get enough exercise.

4. Something easy; I work full time and don't have a lot of extra time to cook, track things; wish I had more time to exercise.

5. Yes; I walk everyday(weather permitting)approximately 2-3 miles; I do yoga/pilates 2 days a week.

6. Yes I do-just wish I had more time to do more.

7. Per the doctors numbers, my weight is ok but I am not happy with it.

8. I don't have a lot of extra but what I am spending now I will continue and possibly would spend a little more if I could get something scheduled.

9. I would love to be able to do an hour to hour 1/2 a day.

10.Very; I don't want to develop health issues in my later years due to weight-am almost 60 and weight is harder to manage and lose as you get older.

Functional Fitness said...

Thanks to everyone that left and/or emailed surveys! You've been very helpful!