Friday, March 18, 2011

Eating Intentionally

Hi Fit Friends,

I realized that I have been Eating Intentionally, but not wisely. It suddenly occurred to me that I was eating bars, nuts, fruit, etc. before teaching my classes and training my clients - "just in case" I got hungry and wasn't able to eat. What's wrong with being hungry? It's not like I'm going to starve! Yes, I was eating healthy, but not at the right times. Have you ever eaten because you were concerned you might become hungry?

So, I have started really paying attention to my hunger signals and it hasn't been that easy. For instance, the other night I had class and I wasn't hungry before, so I waited to eat. Well, of course I was hungry in the middle of class and it's not possible to eat anything substantial. I made do with a bar and dreamed of my dinner waiting for me at home. By the time the class was over, I was a bear and had a headache. So, I realized that didn't work for me. I would rather split my dinner in half and eat it at two different times when I am slightly hungry, then to eat the whole thing at once when I'm starving. I think we have to figure out what works for our bodies; what gives us sustained energy and satiety. (Remember the more fiber and water a food has the more satisfied we will feel.)

I'm also concentrating on slowing down while I eat. I've noticed that a lot of my meals are behind the wheel. I wolf my food while I drive to the next class, client, or speech. Now, I am paying more attention to the time it takes me to eat. I am eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, tasting, and enjoying the food. I am trying to take 20 minutes to eat, since that's how long it takes to register feeling full.

So, I'm eating slowly and when I'm hungry. Wow! What a concept, huh!?!

On another note, this blog was sent out a day late because I was previewing a movie last night, "May I Be Frank." May I Be Frank documents the transformation of Frank Ferrante’s life. Frank is 54 years old, obese, depressed and addicted. He stumbles into a local raw, organic and vegan restaurant in San Francisco, Café Gratitude. When Ryland, a server at Café Gratitude asks Frank “What is one thing you want to do before you die?” Frank replies, “I want to fall in love one more time, but no one will love me looking the way I do”. I highly recommend it.

Eat Intentionally and slowly,


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