Friday, March 11, 2011

Excuse Buster!

Hi Fit Friends,

Have you ever said this before?:

I don’t know where to begin!

Let's bust that excuse - Read on -

Are you lost in all of the weight loss and exercise information out there? Do you want to become healthier but need a starting point? You can start by making the decision to become healthier. Every bite we take, every exercise we perform (or don’t perform) is a decision. We just need to get to the point where we make more healthy decisions, than non-healthy ones.

So, you’ve made the decision to commit to a healthy lifestyle, what now?

Before beginning a weight loss program, check with your doctor. Then, start by setting small, attainable goals, i.e. exercise 3 times per week for 20 minutes. If that is too big of a commitment, do it for 10 minutes. You have to decide what your goals are and they need to be attainable and realistic. Don’t be a Sunday Sally and promise yourself you’ll workout every day – starting Monday. You know you won’t.

Use the SMART method to help you set realistic goals:

S – Specific
M –Measurable
A –Attainable
R - Realistic
T- Timely

It takes about a month to create a habit, so decide what type of exercise you would enjoy doing for the next four weeks. Once you create that habit, you can start to focus on eating.

What should I eat, now that I’m exercising?

You can use the same SMART method for your eating plan; set realistic goals. How about starting with fruit and veggies? Could you commit to eating 3 vegetables and 2fruits every day? What about water? Could you decide to drink 8 glasses of water a day? Let’s focus on adding good habits rather than eliminating “bad” ones.

What’s next?

Sticking to a weight loss program is difficult and requires sacrifice. Make the decision to stick with it and achieve your goals. Remember, this is a lifestyle – not a diet.

Eat Intentionally,


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