Friday, March 4, 2011

What's the Good News?

Hi Fit Friends,

Every week in my business class they ask us, "What's the good news?" They want to hear if we are networking, if we had an epiphany during our research, if we came up with a marketing idea. Really, they want to know if we have made any progress that week toward our goals.

I can proudly say, I have been able to help another client and added another class during this past month, but more importantly, I have started to realize what my goals are and where I want to take Cindy's Functional Fitness, L.L.C. I want to help as many people as possible become as healthy as possible. It's a big goal, but I am determined.

What's your goal? We've talked about goals before. Did you set any? Remember what Zig Ziglar says, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." If you're having trouble setting goals try breaking them down into a micro-goal. For example, "I want to lose weight." That's pretty vague. How much weight? When do you want to lose it by? Why do you want to lose it? Put it in writing. As you write it, your brain will analyze it and process it, helping your goal to become more internalized.

So, I'll ask again, "What's your goal?" JC Penney said, "Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk."

So, what's the good news?

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